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9 Secret Tips to Make a Powerful Strong Secure Password

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9 Secrets to Make a Powerful Strong Secure Password

Password is like the main gates of the fort, if that’s weak, you have half lost everything.

Here’s how you can make your password powerfully strong and secure.

Your online security depends on a secure password, and you need a different one for each of your social media accounts, bank accounts, streaming services, and apps. But because there are so many accounts to manage, it’s tempting (and surprisingly simple) to develop the poor habit of using the same login information across the board.

Weak passwords might have major repercussions like identity theft if your data is stolen. The number of reported data breaches in 2017 broke previous records, not to mention the T-Mobile incident in 2021 that resulted in the exposure of the personal data of more than 50 million users.

For the majority of us, identity protection in a post-password era is not yet available. Try these best practices in the meantime, to reduce the chance that your data will be compromised. Continue reading to discover one key technique to make your logins even safer, how to establish and manage the finest passwords, and how to be warned if they are compromised. Here are three outdated password conventions that are foolish nowadays.

To remember your passwords, use a password manager.

Strong passwords comprise more than eight characters, are challenging to decipher, and include a mix of characters, numbers, and special symbols. Even if you use a different login for each site, the best ones can be challenging to remember (which is recommended). Password managers can help in this situation.

Strong, lengthy passwords can be generated and stored for you by a reputable password manager like 1Password or Bitwarden. Both your phone and PC can use them.

You will still need to memorize a single master password that unlocks all of your other passwords, which is the tiniest catch. Make that one as powerful as you can, keep reading to know, how to do that.

Password managers are included in some browsers, such as Google’s Chrome, although authentic sites advise against using them because of security issues with the passwords they store.

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Hackers naturally target password managers because they have a single master password. Password managers also have shortcomings. In 2019, LastPass patched a bug that might have allowed a customer’s credentials to be revealed. It must be said that the business did a commendable job of being open about the potential exploit and the actions it would take in the case of a hack.

Can you record your login information? Of course.

We are aware that this suggestion contradicts all we have learned about online safety. But not everyone needs a password manager, and some of the most respected security organizations, like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, advise maintaining your login information on a physical piece of paper or in a notebook as a workable solution.

And we’re not talking about a Word file or a Google spreadsheet here; we’re talking about actual, old-fashioned paper since if someone gets access to your computer or your online accounts, they can also have access to that electronic password file.

Of course, it’s still possible for someone to break into your home and take the keys to your entire existence, but that scenario seems less plausible. We advise keeping this piece of paper out of sight and in a secure location, such as a locked desk drawer or cabinet, whether it be at work or home. Especially for your financial sites, keep the number of people who know where your passwords are to a minimum.

If you travel frequently, physically carrying your passwords with you increases the possibility that your notebook will be lost.

Have I been Pwned?

It’s not always possible to prevent password leaks due to malicious hacking or data breaches. However, you can always look for signs that your accounts may have been compromised.

You may find out which of your email addresses and passwords have been exposed in a data breach using Google’s Password Checkup and Mozilla’s Firefox Monitor, so you can take appropriate action. You can find out if your emails and passwords have been compromised using, Have I Been Pwned.

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Keep your password away from commonly used words and character combinations.

Making a password that nobody else will know or be able to guess quickly is the objective. Avoid using terms like “my password,” frequent words like “password,” and well-known character combinations like “qwerty” or “the swift brown fox.”

Additionally, avoid using any information about yourself that someone could learn via social media, or a meaningful conversation with a complete stranger on a plane or at a bar, such as your name, nickname, pet’s name, birthday or anniversary, or your street name, or anything else.

8 Character Password: It’s best to use longer passwords:

A good beginning point is 8 characters.
When generating a strong password, 8 character password is a fine place to start, but longer logins are preferable. A passphrase made up of three or four random words is recommended by the Electronic Frontier Foundation and security expert Brian Krebs, among many others, for increased protection. However, a longer passphrase made up of unrelated terms can be challenging to remember, which is why you ought to think about utilizing a password manager.

Never reuse your passwords.

Reusing passwords for various accounts is a bad idea, as is worth mentioning once more. Anyone who discovers that you’ve used the same password for more than one account has access to all of them.

The same holds true for changing a root password that is altered by the insertion of a prefix or suffix. PasswordTwo, PasswordOne, and the like (these are both bad for multiple reasons).

By using a different password for each account, hackers who get access to one account cannot use it to access the others.

Stolen passwords should not be used.

Hackers can easily break into an account using automated login attempts known as credential stuffing that employ passwords that have been previously stolen or otherwise exposed. Visit, Have I Been Pwned, and type in the password you’re considering using to see if it has already been compromised.

No need to regularly change your password

It used to be common practice to change passwords every 60 or 90 days because it was believed that was how long it took to crack a password.

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Microsoft, however, now advises against changing your passwords on a regular basis unless you have reason to believe they have been compromised. The cause? Due to the requirement that we change our passwords every few months, many of us developed undesirable habits such as choosing passwords that were simple to remember or writing them down on sticky notes and sticking them to our monitors.

totp: Authenticate with two factors… but try to steer clear of text message symbols

Two-factor authentication, also known as two-step verification or 2FA, is a security measure that requires you to enter the second piece of information that you alone have (typically a one-time code) before the app or service logs you in. This prevents thieves from accessing your account even if they do manage to steal your password.

By doing this, even if a hacker manages to find your passwords, they won’t be able to access your account without your trusted device (like your phone) and the verification code that proves it’s actually you.

Despite the fact that receiving these codes via text message or landline call is convenient and frequent, it is easy enough for a hacker to gain your phone number through SIM swap fraud and then intercept your verification code.

Using an authentication program like Authy, Google Authenticator, or Microsoft Authenticator to generate and acquire verification codes yourself is a safer alternative. Once everything is set up, you have the option of registering your browser or device so you won’t have to continually validate it every time you login in.

Your best defense when it comes to password security is to be proactive. This includes being aware of the presence of your email and passwords on the dark web. We also provide instructions on what to do if you learn that your data has been compromised and that hackers have accessed your credit card and banking accounts.



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Mezhar Alee
Mezhar Alee
Mezhar Alee is a prolific author who provides commentary and analysis on business, finance, politics, sports, and current events on his website Opportuneist. With over a decade of experience in journalism and blogging, Mezhar aims to deliver well-researched insights and thought-provoking perspectives on important local and global issues in society.

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