Tuesday, April 30, 2024

One Website Hack to Get Paid $300 for Typing.

HomeMake Money OnlineOne Website Hack to Get Paid $300 for Typing.

One Website Hack to Get Paid $300 for Typing
Photo by Luke Southern on Unsplash

Last year, while looking for side hustles, I came across certain very easy to do jobs.
One of them was typing. Typing is a very good side hustle for beginners. I have written a few very good articles on typing jobs; consider reading them to get more ideas and opportunities in typing jobs.

Typing was one of my first jobs when I started making money online, as I found it to be the easiest, I could do at that time. In this article, I will be sharing one such legit website where I could make $300 by typing.

Which website pays you $300 for typing?

talentdesire.com is the prominent website that pays you $300 for typing. It has a presence worldwide, and people from all around the globe can apply for typing jobs here.

talentdesire.com not only pays you for typing jobs, but numerous other jobs such as transcription jobs, content writing, online teaching etc.

But in this article, we will be learning only about the typing job.

Here’s how to apply for a typing job and start making money on talentdesire.com

1. Click on the “Get Started” button on the home page.


2. On the next page you click on “Apply for a job”


3. This will bring you to the third page , select on Step #1 “Select An Application Form”


4. On the next page you see two options “online application form” and “offline application form” select “Online Application Form”


5. Next page click on “Fill In Your Details To Apply And Work With Us”


6. Under “Privacy Policy,” enable the check box.


7. Fill in your Personal Information , your name, email id, contact number, resident country, zip code,

8. Under preferred job title type in “Typing Job”

9. For what time is best for you, “Select all days,” because selecting this will give you more chances of getting jobs.

10. Now select your payment method: PayPal, Payoneer, direct deposit, wire transfer, and skrill. Paypal is, in my opinion, the best option.

11. Current profession status. Select from: homemaker, student, retired person, etc. Which best describes you?

12. Enable the checkbox for “I have read, and accepted the above statement.”

13. Fill in your signature with your name, complete the captcha, and click “Submit.”

After you submit, you will be notified, and once you are accepted, you will start receiving jobs.

Here is how much you will be paid for online typing jobs

Beginners can start with $3. Then, comes the intermediate level, $3.60 ,Professional level $4.5, and $6 for the expert level.

If you complete 15 pages per day, beginners can make $1,125 monthly working for 25 days and in the case of an expert, $2,250

How can a beginner earn like an expert? (Here’s the Hack)

Here are some tips and tricks for beginners to earn $90 per month like an expert. You will need good speed and typing accuracy to earn like an expert.

Now for this, you will need to prove to the company that you have good typing speed and accuracy by submitting a typing certificate, which you can get from this platform, “ratatype.com

At ratatype.com, you can take a test. Go to this website, register for free, and click on “Take A Typing Test For Free.” 


If your accuracy is more than 96% and your typing speed is 40 wpm, you are eligible for a certificate. 


If you fail in the beginning, you can take their free lessons and reapply for the test.

You will be able to obtain a certificate after a few days of practice and submit it to talentdesire.com.

This certificate will help you in getting expert level jobs.

This article was specially written for young students to guide them with a step-by-step tutorial. 

I welcome feedback, and you can reach me directly via email or the contact us page.


>>Related  How to Make Money from Your Pets


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Mezhar Alee
Mezhar Alee
Mezhar Alee is a prolific author who provides commentary and analysis on business, finance, politics, sports, and current events on his website Opportuneist. With over a decade of experience in journalism and blogging, Mezhar aims to deliver well-researched insights and thought-provoking perspectives on important local and global issues in society.

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